Rosemary Sri Lanka


Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Kitchen uses: Excellent in lamb dishes and roast pork, put a little under the skin before roasting. Add leaf or two when frying potatoes.

Charmingly fragrant rosemary herb is the perfect potherb to have in your kitchen garden. It is one of the recognized herbs for its note-worthy health benefiting phyto-nutrients, anti-oxidants and essential acids. Rosemary flourishes in well-drained, alkaline soil. It prefers sunny condition but at the same time needs shelter from gusty winds. The plant reaches about 1.5-3 meters in height. Its bushy stems and downy young shoots are covered with about 1 inch long, narrow, needle-like aromatic leaves; dark green above and grayish underneath.

The plant parts, flowers and leaves have fragrance that is pungently aromatic.

Apart from culinary and medicinal purpose, traditionally rosemary shoots, flowers and leaves are being used in festivals and wedding ceremonies to decorate banquet halls as incense to ward off bad influences.