Thyme herb is packed with numerous health benefiting phyto-nutrients (plant derived compounds), minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall wellness. One of the popular among culinary herb plants, thyme originally is native to the southern Europe and Mediterranean regions.
The thyme plant is a perennial shrub with thin woody base, and square stems. It reaches about 15 to 30 cm in length, featuring very small, light green with paler underneath, slightly curved aromatic leaves. Tiny, fragrant rich, lilac or white color flowers appear in summer.
The other commonly grown varieties of thyme are Lemon Thyme, Caraway Thyme and wild thyme. But the most popular variety is French thyme. Either leaves as well as flowering tips; fresh or dried used for culinary purposes
Thyme herb imparts intense flavor to the recipes, and therefore, should be added sparingly. In order to keep its fragrance and flavor intact, thyme herb is generally added at the last moment in the cooking recipes. This is because, prolonged cooking results in evaporation of its essential oils.